The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS Standards) are voluntary ethical standards that guide financial organizations on how to calculate and report their investment results based on the principles of fair representation and full disclosure. According to the CFA Institute, “GIPS Standards are developed, maintained, and promoted by the CFA Institute, GIPS Standards Sponsors, and GIPS Standards Committees.”1
GIPS Standards were established due to the amount of performance calculations and presentation of returns that were being utilized by the investment industry.2 If these are inconsistent, investors and advisors may struggle to compare performance when making an investment choice. GIPS Standards can help investors and advisors alike by striving to eliminate potentially misleading practices such as:
- Only top-performing portfolios being represented in overall investment results by firms.2
- Returns excluding portfolios that have been terminated due to poor performance.2
- Only selecting varying time periods where portfolios have provided excellent returns or where their returns outperform their benchmarks.2
With a widely accepted and industry best practice for investment performance and presentation being established by GIPS Standards, investors and advisors have an opportunity to make educated, informed, and evidenced based investment decisions.
Is Matson Money a GIPS-compliant firm?
Yes. Each year, Matson Money voluntarily has our policies and procedures reviewed by a third-party auditor, ACA Group, to verify they comply with GIPS Compliance in relation to composite and pooled fund maintenance and the calculation, presentation, and distribution of performance. Matson Money is one of the 1,700+ organizations that claim compliance with the GIPS Standards. For reference, there are 14,806 SEC-registered advisors, only a little over 8% claim compliance with GIPS Standards.3
Matson Money has been GIPS-compliant since 1999, the same year that the GIPS Standards were first published.4 Before GIPS Standards and going back to 1991, Matson Money adhered to the AIMR–PPS® standards, a precursor established in 1987 by the Association for Investment Management and Research to ensure consistent and transparent performance reporting in the U.S.7
Where can you access our GIPS Report?
At Matson Money, we are committed to authenticity and transparency in our communication. We have our GIPS Composite Reports posted on our website and they are accessible to the public in the footnote links at the bottom of our webpages. Here’s a direct link to access the verification reports: https://www.matsonmoney.com/gips/
How does a firm become GIPS-compliant?
GIPS recommends that firms and asset owners in the investment management industry be verified. 2 The verification process includes an independent third-party verification firm conducting testing on a firm-wide basis. The current standard qualifications for firms to become GIPS Compliant can be found here: https://www.gipsstandards.org/standards/gips-standards-for-firms/
How does having Matson Money compliant with GIPS standards help me as an investor?
For current and prospective investors, Matson Money being GIPS verified can help further trust. At Matson Money, GIPS standards can help advisors and their clients build confidence, knowing that when it comes to your investment manager selection:
- Our policies and procedures fairly represent our past performance, and we have taken the necessary steps to pass a labor-intensive initial screening5
- Our reports have comparable and fully disclosed performance information to improve the quality of due diligence and risk management5
- Our commitment to voluntarily taking on additional auditing goes above and beyond what is required to provide transparency and gain your confidence that we act in a trustworthy, ethical, and professional manner.5
How does having Matson Money compliant with GIPS standards help me as an advisor?
As an advisor, being able to earn your clients’ trust is one of your most important achievements/commitments. Along with trust, GIPS Standards strive to:
- Protect the investor’s best-interest and boost confidence6
- Provide consistent, accurate data6
- Standardize a single worldwide calculation6
- Promote fair competition in line with GIPS standards6
- Support global self-regulation thought GIPS standards compliance6
Being the standard can help cement your client’s decision in selecting you as their financial advisor.6
How can you check if your current firm is compliant with GIPS standards?
You can check if the current organization you’re working with is GIPS Compliant here: Organizations Claiming Compliance with the GIPS Standards Page.
- CFA Institute. (2020). About Us. Retrieved October 16, 2024, from https://www.gipsstandards.org/about-us/
- CFA Institute. (2020). Introduction to the GIPS® Standards. GIPS. Retrieved October 16, 2024, from https://www.gipsstandards.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/gips-product-info-package-brochure.pdf
- Matson, M. (2023, February 3). How GIPS can help advisors boost client confidence. thinkadvisor.com. https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2023/02/03/how-gips-can-help-advisors-boost-client-confidence/
- ACA Group. (2023, December 31). Matson Money, Inc. Verification Report. Matson Money, Inc.. https://www.matsonmoney.com/gips/Documents/MatsonMoneyVerificationReport.pdf
- CFA Institute. (2023, June 27). Benefits for prospective clients and investors. GIPS. https://www.gipsstandards.org/benefits/benefits-for-prospective-clients-and-investors/
- CFA Institute. (2021, March 25). Benefits for firms. GIPS. https://www.gipsstandards.org/benefits/benefits-for-firms/
- Horvath, C. (2019). History of the GIPS Standards. Performance Measurement Solutions. https://www.performancemeasurementsolutions.com/history
This content is based on the views, opinions, beliefs, or viewpoints of Matson Money, Inc. This content is not to be considered investment advice and is not to be relied upon as the basis for entering into any transaction or advisory relationship or making any investment decision.
All of Matson Money’s advisory services are marketed almost exclusively by either Solicitors or Co-Advisors. Both Co-Advisors and Solicitors are independent contractors, not employees or agents of Matson.
Other financial organizations may analyze investments and take a different approach to investing than that of Matson Money. All investing involves risks and costs. No investment strategy (including GIPS verification, asset allocation and diversification strategies) can ensure peace of mind, guarantee profit, or protect against loss.
GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.